This is the last evening of my long weekend. There is no body around and I am sitting in my living room, resting on this wooden wall, with no soft pillow acting as the middleman.

Absolute thoughtless I am would be a wrong statement though. What won’t be wrong is something is going on in my mind… which I am not able to follow. Let me correct this some more… some thing is going on… in my subconscious mind or my unconscious mind or may be at even a deeper level, which my conscious mind is not able quantify…

I am not sure what this is… but what i am sure is it is not thought-less-ness!

‘What will be the first thing you do if you get 1 crore rupees now ?’

It was just another lunch in the office cafeteria, when someone threw in the topic. There were four of us and each one came up with a different answer. Like ‘I will go on a vaction’, ‘I will buy a nice car for my mother’, ‘I will quit the job’ etc.

Indian Homemaker‘s  this post reminded me of this month-old discussion, which I took forward that day by throwing in one more question in the air and it was –

‘ What will be the last thing you do with the remaining of that 1 crore rupees ?’

What will you do ???

a lot is happening

December 15, 2008

A lot is happening and I don’t think I can resist them all coming out here… I have been quite inactive inexpressive on my blog, perhaps I didn’t feel like doing so! But I wasn’t inactive as reading on the blogosphere was on and I read some real interesting posts and commented on few of them as well. But as the storm is getting wilder as days pass few things will be coming out… for sure…

Running out?

April 7, 2008

Do we run out of thoughts???  In fact can we?

I think it happens that we are not aware of what exactly we are thinking….to that we call as running out of thought!

Father Tongue !

February 19, 2008

Why do we call it as ‘Mother Tongue’, when we really speak the tongue of our father ???

Hint :- If a Telugu guy gets married to an Oriya girl what language their kids will speak???