‘What will be the first thing you do if you get 1 crore rupees now ?’

It was just another lunch in the office cafeteria, when someone threw in the topic. There were four of us and each one came up with a different answer. Like ‘I will go on a vaction’, ‘I will buy a nice car for my mother’, ‘I will quit the job’ etc.

Indian Homemaker‘s  this post reminded me of this month-old discussion, which I took forward that day by throwing in one more question in the air and it was –

‘ What will be the last thing you do with the remaining of that 1 crore rupees ?’

What will you do ???

that’s life!

December 16, 2008

It was like one of those good old nights… it was a friend by my side talking…talking… and talking. We talked about every thing… just everything!

Nostalgic moments of childhood, the experience of growing up in a small town surrounded by scenic nature… the place we love so much, as well the moments of going away from it in search of bread… the moments of meeting new faces only to be an old friend later… finding a home away from home…our words had the gratitude towards Life for all those lovely moments it has blessed us with…so they had innocent acceptance of being stunned for it came with all those surprises at times when they were least expected…

it was the early hours of today when we gave up to our closing eyelids… only to wake up to hear a friend over the phone saying that he has been transferred to his home and is leaving this evening, after being together for three long years!

 With yet another surprise smiling before me, I woke up while the friend was still dreaming his way!

a lot is happening

December 15, 2008

A lot is happening and I don’t think I can resist them all coming out here… I have been quite inactive inexpressive on my blog, perhaps I didn’t feel like doing so! But I wasn’t inactive as reading on the blogosphere was on and I read some real interesting posts and commented on few of them as well. But as the storm is getting wilder as days pass few things will be coming out… for sure…

a working saturday

April 12, 2008

How would you feel if i tell you have to work this saturday? Yeah… that is what I felt. But it turned out to be not that bad…. Infact I could meet a old mate, a good long chat over cold cofee, then on bikes to my old college….as if the old days were back, what even it was only for a couple of hours.


Being your self is important, that is what Kimojuno is saying here…

” You need to understand one thing: You are you. Being you may not be right for others, but it is right for you. This is not a blanket to cover yourself with, or an excuse to do whatever you want, but rather a chance to understand that you do not need to be accepted by others [or even fit in] to be happy.”

Initiative of Changes

February 21, 2008

What started as a group working among university students, then came the word “re-Armament” at a time when the word got used widely this one was an exception of “Armament of morality” for a ‘hate-free, fear-free, greed-free world’….